Thursday, December 18, 2014

"The Pretenders" End of Book Summary

The book that I've finished reading is "The Pretenders" by Lisi Harrison. I really enjoyed this book for many different reasons, for one I could relate to many of the different conflicts going on between the five characters. Andrew goes through some difficulty dealing with his personal goals, and money. I've gone through issues with myself, my goals, and my money, many times before. Sheridan is outgoing. She's a very dramatic type of girl. She loves acting and making herself the center of attention. I can relate to her conflicts in the story very much because, she goes through friendship troubles, dealing with loosing her best friend. I've, personally, gone through this myself in fifth grade. It went through stages of sadness, then anger, just like Sheridan went through when loosing her best friend Audri. Lily, however, I feel she has more of my traits. She starts to like a boy who doesn't even notice her. I've been through the same situation and I know how she felt and tried to deal with it. I can't really relate that much to Vanessa though, she's more of a laid back all about her studies girl. Last but not least, there's Jagger. Jagger went through a lot of stages in the book that changed his perspective. You'll learn a lot of surprising facts about Jagger's life, that will mind blow you! I really recommend this book to most kids because it has a lot of things most kids can relate to. I really enjoyed reading this book and hopefully you'll get a chance to!

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