So far in the book, there has been a lot of different changes in Lara's behavior. Before, Lara would always be depressed, and she wasn't ever that happy. Lara was always bullied and picked on for her weight, her best friend abandoned her, and she was really struggling during middle school. Now that she's in high school, things are starting to get better for Lara. She isn't as depressed and lonely as she was before. Lara was starting to branch out and become more social. She tried out for the cheerleading team, and got in, and she also became friends with the head cheerleading captain. She's even starting to talk to a guy that she thinks may like her, Christian. Everything's turning out to be good for Lara, which isn't normal for everyone who knows her. They think of her as the fat, depressed, unsocial, girl. Now, they see her stepping out of all that. In the book, Lara's old friend Bree, starts to notice a change in Lara's behavior. She says, "This isn't like Lara, I've never seen her so... happy.". Lara's little sister Sydney says, "Lara's been getting better, it's kind of creeping me out how good she's been doing.".
I think that Lara's change is making everyone believe in her more, before no one did because she was always so depressed. Now, it's all looking better for her.
I can predict that Lara is going to try to stay happy, but I think that there is going to be something that makes her become depressed again. I think that when she does get depressed again, it wouldn't be like the same way before. If something goes wrong, it's going to effect her more since she's been doing so good. It's going to be harder to take on, and even harder to try and let go, but Lara has her family to help her get through it if she becomes depressed again. For now, I know that things are getting better for Lara, and she's finally happy again. Hopefully the more I read, the more I'll get to find out if Lara will be okay.
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